Captain Tsubasa (1983 TV series) (2025)

Captain Tsubasa (キャプテン翼) is the name of the first anime based in the original manga of the same name by Yoichi Takahashi.

The anime can be streamed on Vudu and Apple TV.

It was originally broadcast from 1983-10-13 to 1986-03-27 in TV Tokyo (Japan). It has been released since then in several countries with huge success, being the most well known animated version of the franchise.

In North America, Enoki Films made the English dub and changed the name to "Flash Kicker".

#Original titleTranslated JapaneseEnglish title001大空へはばたけSpreading his wings into the skyA new soccer freak comes to town002燃えろサッカー小僧The passionate football prodigyThe lifelong rival003明日に向って、キック・オフKick off for tomorrowKick it off for tomorrow004ボールは友だちThe ball is my friendSoccer ball is my best friend005ライバルはどこだWhere is the rival?Tsubasa's First Game006ゴールをかためろFortify the goalBlock it in the goal!007運命のロングシュートFate's long shotRoberto's Dream008さわやかコンビ誕生Birth of a fresh combinationA perfectly combined duo009ラストチャンスにかけろGo for the last chance!Go for the last chance!010夢はブラジルへDream of BrazilA long hard way to Brazil011はぐれ狼小次郎あらわるThe stray wolf, Kojiro appearsHere comes a lone wolf, Kojiro012めざせ!日本一Aim for no. 1 in Japan!Toward the All Japan Championship013泥まみれの熱戦Heated game in the mudA fast game in the mud014フィールドの貴公子Young Noble of the FieldYoung noble in the field015傷だらけのキーパーA keeper full of woundsBeat down Kobayashi!016夢はひとつ燃えろイレブンEleven, one burning dreamThe new Captain Hawk017開幕!全国大会Begin! National ChampionshipThe National Championship opens018宿命の対決!翼VS小次郎Fateful confrontation! Tsubasa vs. KojiroFatal confrontation; Tsubasa vs. Kojiro019恐怖の弾丸シュートThe fearful bullet shotThe fearful shot020サッカーは俺の夢だ!Football is my dream!Soccer is my dream021泣くな!翼Don't cry, Tsubasa!Tsubasa's tears022双子のストライカーTwin strikersTsubasa vs. the soccer freak023石崎の大チョンボIshizaki's big blunderIshizaki's big blunder024空中大決戦Decisive battle in the airGreat midair battle025俺が大会一のキーパーだ!I'm the best goalkeeper in the tournament!I'm the best goalkeeper in the championship026ガラスのエースAce of GlassThe glass ace027ベスト4!激突Clash of the best 4!Clash in Semi-Final028北国の熱きイレブンThe fiery eleven from the northern regionBrave fighters from the north029血みどろの対決Desperate confrontationFierce confrontation030傷だらけの貴公子A young noble full of woundsA wounded prince031華麗なる対決Brilliant showdownA brilliant fight032翼をワナにかけろTsubasa caught in a trapCatch Tsubasa in a trap!033とべない翼Tsubasa can't fly"I can't play!"034よみがえれ翼Tsubasa's resurrectionRise from the dead, Tsubasa!035淳死なないでDon't die, Jun!Don't die. Jun!036ボクの心臓まだ動いているMy heart is still poundingMy heart is still pounding037奇跡の超ロングシュートMiraculous super long shotMiracle! An ultra-long shot!038眠れる猛虎・小次郎The sleeping fierce tiger, KojiroKojiro is a sleeping lion039復活!天才キーパー若林Comeback! Genius keeper WakabayashiRevival!040出た!先制のツインシュートFly! The head start Twin ShotHead start with shots041激突!若林対小次郎Clash! Wakabayashi vs. KojiroWakabayashi vs. Kojiro042猛虎よ牙をむけ!Show your fangs, fierce tiger!Roar! The lion!043危うし!ゴールデンコンビDangerous! Golden CombiNankatsu falls in a crisis044炎のダイビングヘッドFlaming diving headerCourageous diving-head045ピンチ!エースなき戦いPinch! A battle without the aceA game without the ace046やった!石崎得意の顔面ブロック!Yes! Ishizaki's specialty, Face Block!Nankatsu is in a big trouble!047小次郎のVサインKojiro's V-signKojiro's victory sign048奇跡を呼ぶトリプルシュート?A triple shot that brings miracle?Could Nankatsu catch up?049灼熱の延長戦Extra time in the scorching heatExtra innings in midsummer050ああ幻のゴール!?Aah, a phantom goal!?The goal that had never been made051オレたちは負けない!We won't lose!We're not going to lose!052死闘!再延長戦!Fight to the end! Extra time, again!Hold tight! Nankatsu!053復活!ゴールデンコンビRevival! Golden CombiThe golden pair is back054最後の決戦!翼対小次郎The final battle! Tsubasa vs. KojiroDecisive battle; Tsubasa vs. Kojiro055栄光そしてサヨナラGlory, and then farewellGlory and then Farewell056それぞれの旅立ちEach one's departureDeparture057オレたち中学三年生We're in the 3rd year of junior high schoolWe're in the 9th grade058V3への熱きスタート!A hot start to the V3!Let's get the 3rd victory!059新たなるライバルNew rivalNankatsu vs. Otomo School060翼よ!フィールドの鷹になれ!Tsubasa! Become a hawk of the field!You're a hawk in the field, Tsubasa!061ノートラップ隼シュート!No Trap Peregrine Falcon Shot!No trap. Falcon shoot!062挑戦者たちのララバイChallengers' lullabyA lullaby of a challenger063打倒・翼!オレがヒーローだDefeat Tsubasa! I'm the hero!I'm your rival064甦ったエース・三杉淳The resurrected ace, Jun MisugiHyuga vs. Mitsugi065夢の対決!三杉対小次郎The dream confrontation! Misugi vs. KojiroTo Tsubasa from Europe066ヨーロッパ発翼くんへTo Tsubasa from EuropeBattle of Mitsugi and Kojiro067フィールドに散った貴公子The young noble fell on the fieldThe prince disperses over the ground068若林からの手紙A letter from WakabayashiA letter from Wakabayashi069牙をとぐ猛虎・小次郎Kojiro, a fierce tiger sharpening his fangsTiger sharpens his fangs070めざせV3!波乱の開幕Aim for the V3! A stormy openingA stormy opening-game071決めろ!ドライブシュート!Go! Drive Shot!You can do it! A drive-shoot!072防げ!必殺のカミソリシュートDefend! The surefire Razor ShotDefense against a razor-cutting shoot073ライバルたちの熱き足音Passionate footsteps of rivalsEnthusiastic footsteps of opponents074出た!スカイラブ・ハリケーン!Fly! Skylab Hurricane!Hurricane comes out!075翼よ誰よりも高く飛べTsubasa, fly higher than anyone elseFly higher than anybody else076立花兄弟・必殺のコンビプレーTachibana twins, deadly combination playTsubasa goes to battlefield again077決めろ!スライディングシュート!Go! Sliding Shot!Go and make it - a sliding shoot!078激突!ベスト8Clash! Best 8Clash of the best eight teams079北の荒鷲・松山光The wild eagle of the north - Hikaru MatsuyamaThe eagle of North - Hikaru Matsuyama080ベールをぬいだ怪童次藤洋Hiroshi Jito, the big young man that took off his veilAn unknown boy - Hiroshi Tsugito081羽をもがれたフィールドの鷹The hawk of the field with broken wingsThe hawk that lost his wings082気迫の連続ドライブシュート!Continuous Drive Shots of spiritA high-spirited drive-shoot!083激突!ゴール前の死闘Clash! A desperate struggle in front of the goalDesperate struggle in front of the goal084不滅のチームワークThe immortal teamworkThe immortal teamwork085燃えあがれ!ベスト4Burn up! Best 4Ardor of the best four086若島津・無念の初失点Wakashimazu, conceding a regrettable first goalFirst loss point of Wakabayashi087オリの中の猛虎・小次郎Kojiro, a fierce tiger in a cageA tiger in a cage088怒りのタイガー軍団!!The anger of the tiger corps!The tiger troop!!089岬太郎のヨーロッパ便りA letter from Taro Misaki in EuropeA letter from Europe090夢のヨーロッパ遠征・選ばれるのは誰か!?Who will be chosen for the dream European campaign!?Guess who will be selected091フィールドに翔べ!鷲と鷹!Fly onto the field! Eagle and hawk!Fly over the soccer field!092北の荒鷲・無敵のロングシュートThe northern wild eagle - invincible long shotAn invincible long shoot093勝利への逆襲Counterattack to victoryA way to victory094猛攻!四連続シュートFierce attack! 4 consecutive shotsConsecutive four shoots095傷だらけの翼よみがえれ不死鳥Wounded Tsubasa - the phoenix resurrectsPhoenix rises again096さらば北の戦士Farewell, northern warriorFarewell to the fighter from North097猛虎の挑戦状Challenge of the fierce tigerChallenge of the tiger098ヨーロッパの熱き誓いを思い出せRemembering the passionate vow in EuropeHard time in Europe099翼対イングランド重戦車軍団Tsubasa vs. English heavy tank corpsTsubasa vs. English heavy tanks100あらたなる試練A new trialAnother ordeal101燃えるフィールド翼対ピエール!!The scorching field, Tsubasa vs. Pierre!!Tsubasa vs. Pierre!!102倒せ!ヨーロッパ・ナンバーワン!Defeat them! Europe's number one!Crash No.1 team in Europe!103無敵の皇帝・シュナイダーThe invincible emperor - SchneiderIncredible attack of 'Emperor' Schneider104栄光へのラストキックLast kick of gloryLast kick of honor105宿命の対決、ふたたびFateful confrontation, againThe fatal battle again106世紀のラスト・ファイトLast fight of the centuryThe last fight107先制のスーパーショット!Initiative super shot!Control the mid-field!108逆襲のドライブシュートCounterattack with Drive ShotCounter-attack with driving shoots109火をふくタイガーショット!Tiger Shot bursting into flames!Exploding tiger shot!110王者・南葛最大の危機The biggest crisis of the champion, NankatsuNankatsu is in desperate trouble111奇跡のドライブシュートMiraculous Drive ShotA miracle happens112日向小次郎の反撃!Kojiro Hyuga's counterattack!Challenge of Kojiro Hyuga!113舞い上がれ!不死鳥Fly high, Phoenix!Fly high, Phoenix!114燃えろ!炎のチームワークBurn! Blazing teamworkBlazing teamwork115夢のダイビング・オーバーヘッドDiving overhead of dreamVictory of play-for-the-team116ラストゴールは俺が取る!I'll get the last goal!I'll get the last ball!117守り抜け!俺たちのゴール!Defend! Our goal!Defend our goal to the end!118走れ翼!勝利のゴールへRun Tsubasa! To the goal of victoryRun for the victory, Tsubasa!119運命のタイム・アップFate's time-upThe time is up120駆けぬけろ!V3はオレたちの夢!Run through! V3 is our dream!Go and get V-3. It's our dream!121奇跡をよぶフィールドの鷹The field's hawk that brings miracleThe hawk calling for a miracle122復活オレたちのキャプテンRevival of our CaptainRevival of our Captain123翼の最終作戦!!Tsubasa's last strategy!!Tsubasa's last strategy!!124傷だらけのヒーローThe injured heroThe injured hero125栄光そして新なる旅立ちGlory... And a new journeyGlory... And a new journey126最高の友俺と若林源三My best friend. Genzo WakabayashiMy best friend. Genzo Wakabayashi127永遠のパートナー俺と岬太郎My eternal partner. Taro MisakiMy eternal partner. Taro Misaki128はばたけ!輝ける戦士たち!Spread your wings! Shining warriors!Soar up in the sky, the glorious players!

Captain Tsubasa Opening 1 versión 1 japonés

Opening 1

Captain Tsubasa Opening 2 Japanese

Opening 2

Captain Tsubasa Ending (1983)

Ending 1

Tsubasa yo Hashire Tsubasa Corre!

Ending 2

Captain Tsubasa ending 3 japonés

Ending 3

Captain Tsubasa (1983 TV series) (2025)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

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Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.